ski 2004
Ski bums in the Kitchen
Ski bums in the Kitchen
X-Treme Snowbunnies!
X-Treme Snowbunnies!
Mum n' Chip on the Lift
Mum n' Chip on the Lift
French Fry Action!
French Fry Action!
Kyle Karving!
Kyle Karving!
Doctor Sister Smoove J!
Doctor Sister Smoove J!
Chip dominating the Slopes!
Breath in.... Breath out... Nirvana!
90,000 M.P.H.!
90,000 M.P.H.!
So... Cold.... Take.... Picture... Now!
So... Cold.... Take.... Picture... Now!
Kyle & J at 10,500
Kyle & J at 10,500
Groovin at Alta
Groovin at Alta
Which Way?
Which Way?
